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在爱尔兰留学,与欧洲最热情和欢迎的人联系. 其历史可以一直追溯到中石器时代, 爱尔兰有许多迷人的地标值得参观和学习. 亲吻巧言石, 一块石灰石,是中世纪布拉尼城堡的一部分, 看看它是否真的能给你口才. 回到卡舍尔之岩, 五世纪时明斯特国王的故居, 俯瞰蒂珀雷里郡的田园风光. 来见见住在凯勒莫城堡的本笃会修女吧, 这是一座19世纪的私人住宅,在第一次世界大战后被改建为修道院, 穿过他们的维多利亚式花园. 参观一下基尔梅纳姆监狱, the 都柏林 prison where the leaders of 爱尔兰’s 1916 Easter Rising were imprisoned and executed and where many other pro-independence Irish men and women were held during the war. Walk the five thousand year old burial grounds at Newgrange, where Irish kings were laid to rest. 参观美丽的圣. Patrick’s Cathedral in 都柏林, where 18th century author Johnathan Swift once served as the Dean. 在一个以翠绿而闻名的国家, 未遭破坏的景观, don’t be surprised if you want to spend as much time outside as your class schedule allows. 参观位于爱尔兰连绵起伏的绿色山丘上的牧羊场. Go night kayaking on Lough Hyne in West 软木塞 and let the bioluminescent phytoplankton living in the lake guide you with their light. Get up close to Fungie the wild dolphin, who’s been greeting visitors in Dingle Bay for decades. 参观著名的莫赫悬崖, 在克莱尔郡,它陡然高出大西洋近400英尺. 如果你在都柏林的话, 你不必离开城市就能享受大自然:凤凰公园, 是欧洲各国首都最大的封闭式公园, 以野鹿放牧的田野为特色, 维多利亚时代的花园, 都柏林动物园. 为了更艰苦的冒险, the Wicklow Mountains invite you to hike through their gorgeous terrain into the Glendalough Valley. 在沃特福德绿道骑车, 一条连接沃特福德和邓加文的专用越野轨道, 欣赏克罗纳海滩的美景. 漫步基拉尼国家公园,沐浴在长满苔藓的绿色林地中, 在湖边观看五彩缤纷的日落, 参观穆克罗斯宅邸, 一座保存完好的19世纪庄园.  




作为爱尔兰的首都,都柏林是一个小城市,但却有很多东西可以提供. 它的历史可以追溯到9世纪维京人的定居点, 都柏林既是一座古老的城市,也是欧洲最年轻人口的家园.
62°F (17°C)
40°F (6°C)
  • 业务
  • 宝博体育
  • 科学
  • 社会科学


一直是音乐家们的最爱, 艺术家和创意的每一个条纹, 雾蒙蒙的戈尔韦小城充满了戏剧的气息, 音乐活动和爱尔兰民歌. 在许多方面,戈尔韦是爱尔兰的心脏.
61°F (16°C)
43°F (6°C)
  • 工程
  • 科学
  • 社会科学

The Irish people have always prized the arts and their own big name contributors to music, 文学, 和电影. 你不必到欧洲大陆去看伟大的艺术. Spend a whole day browsing the art collections at the National Gallery of 爱尔兰 in 都柏林, 大约15,000件作品展出, or hunt for the thought-provoking and gallery-worthy murals in the streets of 都柏林, 软木塞, 高威, 和利默里克. 对于一个小国来说, 爱尔兰到处都是独立书店, 从古老和舒适到现代和极简主义. 都柏林, 被联合国教科文组织列为世界文学遗产, 能让你忙着去詹姆斯·乔伊斯博物馆吗, 文学酒吧之旅, 还有一个作家博物馆,专门收藏一系列文学纪念品. 这个国家诞生了布拉姆·斯托克, author of Dracula; Oscar Wilde, 19世纪臭名昭著的小说家, 诗人, and playwright; world-famous playwright Samuel Beckett; and the great 诗人s William Butler Yeats and Seamus Heaney unashamedly loves a good story and will give you plenty of your own to tell. Few countries in Europe love music the way 爱尔兰 does, and the Irish are a truly musical people. Live music and pubs go hand in hand, whether you’re in 都柏林, 高威, 软木塞, or elsewhere. Musicians and performers of every genre can be found busking in the streets and playing at venues big and small. 拥有一长串国际上成功的乐队和独奏表演者, 包括都柏林人, 的首领, 范·莫里森, 薄丽萃, 恩雅, 可儿家族的, 辛妮奥康纳, 克兰娜德, 小红莓乐队, 的波格, U2, 雪巡逻, 和达米安·赖斯, 对于未来的专业音乐表演者来说,爱尔兰是一个鼓舞人心的目的地.  






The 学习+宝博体育 program in 都柏林 is designed for students who are aspiring professionals that want to distinguish themselves in an evolving global job market. The program allows you to make progress toward your academic degree and remain on track for graduation, while developing the top skills employers want you to gain by the time you enter the job market. 在节目中, you will intern at a local host organization while also taking our mandatory Global 宝博体育 Course and additional courses. Our diverse range of courses will provide you with a platform to excel academically, and your personalized internship placement will help you acquire professional experience from a global perspective and learn from professionals in an international context. 程序选项取决于位置, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, 兼职及全职宝博体育, 以及英语和东道国语言宝博体育.


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  • 起价7695美元

Spending time in 爱尔兰 means having access to authentic Irish cuisine, which you’re sure to enjoy. Order a tasty sandwich on Waterford’s blaa bread for lunch and treat yourself to a hearty lamb or beef stew for dinner.  如果你是海鲜爱好者, don’t miss the opportunity to sample freshly caught 高威 oysters in the seaside city. Try colcannon--mashed potatoes mixed with cabbage or kale—as a nod to the Irish people’s favorite vegetable, 马铃薯. 更现代的爱尔兰风情, 订购一个“香料包”,以炸薯条为特色的完美外卖, 青椒, 炒洋葱, 还有扔在纸袋里的碎鸡肉. 如果你喜欢吃甜食, 爱尔兰甜点不会让你失望:波特蛋糕, 健力士巧克力慕斯, 苹果馅饼, Carageen Moss布丁是不错的选择. 在爱尔兰, 喝茶的时间永远不会错, 如果你在咖啡厅, 在你的杯子里配上甜司康饼或烤面包和黄油. 当你在爱尔兰留学的时候, you’ll find it easy to thrive in an English-speaking culture where friendliness and social warmth are the norm. 在都柏林城市大学等受人尊敬的机构上课, 国际商学院, 以及爱尔兰国立大学. Develop the skills you need to land a great first job after graduation with an internship in 都柏林. Listen to and learn Irish Gaelic in the world’s only place where it’s widely spoken. Whatever you come to study here, 爱尔兰 is your gateway to a bright and rewarding future.  



  • Blessington盆地 常被视为都柏林的秘密花园, 布莱辛顿盆地靠近市中心和学生公寓. Much of the park is taken up by a large lake and fountain, both unusual features for a 都柏林 park.
  • Salthill散步 Head out from the 高威 city center along 3 kms of coastal footpath to Salthill, 海边度假胜地,有可爱的咖啡, 一个赌场, 戈尔韦隐蔽的小啤酒厂之一. 散步时呼吸新鲜的海洋空气, 运行, 或骑自行车, and join the locals in “kicking the wall” once you reach the west side of the promenade. You can even dive into the Atlantic Ocean off the platform at Blackrock… if you can brave the cold!
  • 高威市集 Stroll through this quaint city market that offers everything from fresh organic produce to beautiful paintings of your favorite 高威 landmarks. 这个熙熙攘攘的街头市场一直在教堂巷做生意. 几个世纪以来一直是尼古拉斯教堂的主人. 可丽饼和甜甜圈是必不可少的,再配上一杯新鲜煮好的咖啡.
  • 从布雷到格雷斯通的悬崖徒步旅行 在威克洛郡散步的亮点之一是这个维护良好的4.沿着风景秀丽的海岸,从布雷到格雷斯通,步行3英里. Those spectacular ocean views and sightings of marine wildlife along the way are sure to help you work up an appetite, so grab a bite in Greystones before jumping on light rail (DART) for your easy return trip to 都柏林.